Monday, 8 February 2010
Leash Training a Puppy in 5 Incredibly Effective Steps - Stop Your Dog From Pulling on the Leash.
Leash training a puppy is one of the first things you will need to do after purchasing a new dog. It is important to understand that it is much easier to leash train a puppy than an older dog since the latter one has already some bad habits rooted deeply in his brain. Also, make sure to use a standard leather collar instead of the choke one as it may hurt your pet (especially his windpipe) and will slow down the training process. Below are 5 essential elements of leash training a puppy that, if implemented properly, should show you first results within a few weeks time.
Leash Training A Puppy Step 1 - Putting The Leash On
First step is to make your puppy familiar with the leash. You can do this by putting it onto his neck when he's distracted by eating or playing with you. If he tries to dislodge it or scratch it off don't help him and wait till he stops and forgets about having something around his neck. You can take the leash off as soon as your pet stops to fight with it and gets back to his previous activities.
Leash Training A Puppy Step 2 - Calm Your Dog
Next step in leash training a puppy involves going out with your pet for the first time. If he's getting a bit too excited and jumps around making a lot of noise wait for him to calm down (even if it takes 2 hours) and then put the leash on his neck. If your dog pulls you towards the door stop and say firmly 'Ah-Ah'. Wait till he calms down and reward him with a treat. Your pet needs to understand that there will be no walk if he won't stop wriggling and rumbling.
Leash Training A Puppy Step 3 - Don't Let Your Pet Pull On The Leash
Take your dog to a quiet and peaceful place without distractions as you want him to fully focus on the training. Start walking and see where it takes you and your pet. If he starts to pull on the leash stop, say firmly 'Ah-Ah' and wait for him to either sit down or slack the leash. As soon as he does this reward him with a tasty treat and plenty of cheering and continue walking. Make sure to repeat the above procedure every time he starts pulling on the leash. If he does well and keeps close to your legs praise him once in a while and give a snack. This step is the most crucial one in leash training a puppy so make sure to be consistent while implementing it.
Leash Training A Puppy Step 4 - Change The Direction You Walk In Rapidly
Next step in leash training a puppy is to check whether your pet actually pays attention to your teachings. This can be done by rapidly changing the direction you walk in so that the leash get tense for a fraction of second. If your dog instantly adjusts his route you've got a proof that the training worked. If, on the other hand, he don't want to change the direction or pulls you towards something else you need to get back to the previous step and teach him the basics again.
Leash Training A Puppy Step 5 - Leash Training Is All About Patience
While leash training a puppy you will notice that the first few walks may take a lot of time and you will not get further than the driveway. This is because you need to be consistent with the training method outlined above and this will take some time and patience. Do not give up and keep using the tips mentioned and eventually your dog will understand that he can either pull on the leash and get nowhere or cooperate with you and actually see a bit of the world around.
But that isn't the end of it. More ways to leash train your puppy could be what you need. To find out what else can be done to stop your dog from pulling on the leash Click Here Now!
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How to Stop Your Dog From Excessive Barking and Digging.
If you have just acquired a new puppy, it wouldn't take too long for you to start witnessing some common puppy behavior problems in action. The most common of these problems are excessive barking and digging.
Some people choose to just ignore these issues, thinking that they will resolve themselves as the puppy gets older. Unfortunately, that is not how it usually works. If you want your dog to grow up properly and with good manners, you should definitely address these common puppy behavior problems as early as possible.
Putting an End to Relentless Barking
A puppy who barks a couple of times at strangers is exhibiting perfectly normal dog behavior. But if he refuses to stop until the person in question leaves, you will have to take steps to teach him that excessive barking simply is not acceptable.
An effective way of stopping these common puppy behavior problems is to get a hold of the puppy's collar and hold him firmly. At the same time, give him a command to stop barking, like "Be quiet". Pretty soon, the puppy will realize what you need him to do.
When you feel that your puppy has gotten the hang of it, you can take the anti-barking training to a higher level and teach him not to bark at strangers outside the house. Ask friends to help out and have them walk by your house a few times until the dog learns not to bark at them.
At this point, you should also realize that common puppy behavior problems like excessive barking occur much more frequently when the dogs are under-stimulated. In other words, the dog resorts to barking if he is not getting enough physical activity. In this case, you may want to take more walks or spend more playtime with your pup to minimize the barking problem.
Digging - Keeping Your Dog from Ruining Your Lawn
Digging is another common dog obedience problem that new owners have to face. If you plan on letting your pup loose in the garden, you should absolutely train him to not dig up your lawn and ruin the landscape that you worked so hard on.
Since digging is a very natural instinct in dogs, it is very difficult to make them stop the habit altogether. What you can do is to allocate a special place in your garden where he can dig all he wants. All you have to do is to teach him where it is okay to dig and where it is not.
In the beginning, this can be quite a challenge but with some patience, it is perfectly doable. Whenever you see your puppy digging in a restricted area, give him a command to stop, like "No digging!" and immediately take him to his digging spot.
Of course, there will still be times when your pup may stubbornly want to dig in the prohibited areas. To prevent such disasters, you may want to install temporary fences around your plants until he overcomes these common puppy behavior problems.
Michael Brown has been training dogs from an early age and helps you with all sorts of puppy behavior problems. For more dog training tips, visit 'Easy Dog Obedience Training'
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Some people choose to just ignore these issues, thinking that they will resolve themselves as the puppy gets older. Unfortunately, that is not how it usually works. If you want your dog to grow up properly and with good manners, you should definitely address these common puppy behavior problems as early as possible.
Putting an End to Relentless Barking
A puppy who barks a couple of times at strangers is exhibiting perfectly normal dog behavior. But if he refuses to stop until the person in question leaves, you will have to take steps to teach him that excessive barking simply is not acceptable.
An effective way of stopping these common puppy behavior problems is to get a hold of the puppy's collar and hold him firmly. At the same time, give him a command to stop barking, like "Be quiet". Pretty soon, the puppy will realize what you need him to do.
When you feel that your puppy has gotten the hang of it, you can take the anti-barking training to a higher level and teach him not to bark at strangers outside the house. Ask friends to help out and have them walk by your house a few times until the dog learns not to bark at them.
At this point, you should also realize that common puppy behavior problems like excessive barking occur much more frequently when the dogs are under-stimulated. In other words, the dog resorts to barking if he is not getting enough physical activity. In this case, you may want to take more walks or spend more playtime with your pup to minimize the barking problem.
Digging - Keeping Your Dog from Ruining Your Lawn
Digging is another common dog obedience problem that new owners have to face. If you plan on letting your pup loose in the garden, you should absolutely train him to not dig up your lawn and ruin the landscape that you worked so hard on.
Since digging is a very natural instinct in dogs, it is very difficult to make them stop the habit altogether. What you can do is to allocate a special place in your garden where he can dig all he wants. All you have to do is to teach him where it is okay to dig and where it is not.
In the beginning, this can be quite a challenge but with some patience, it is perfectly doable. Whenever you see your puppy digging in a restricted area, give him a command to stop, like "No digging!" and immediately take him to his digging spot.
Of course, there will still be times when your pup may stubbornly want to dig in the prohibited areas. To prevent such disasters, you may want to install temporary fences around your plants until he overcomes these common puppy behavior problems.
Michael Brown has been training dogs from an early age and helps you with all sorts of puppy behavior problems. For more dog training tips, visit 'Easy Dog Obedience Training'
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What to Name Your Puppy.
I choose names for my puppies on the following rules: two syllables or less, can I call the name with volume, does it sound like something else? Example: When calling your dog's name at the park, Buck may sound like F?!%. I don't want to see parents covering their children's ears. Calling Margarita at 5 pm every night may sound like you have a drinking problem. Does the name sound like a command that may confuse your dog?
I want a name everyone in my family is happy with. Naming a hunting dog Daisy Mae may get your husband teased while hunting with his buddies. If you decide on a name that one member of your family doesn't like, a nickname can be used.
A dog doesn't care what you call it. It cares that you want to call it to you and get a friendly pat. If you say come here door in the same tone as you would when calling its regular name, your dog will come.
I like a name that makes me smile when calling my pooch. I enjoy names that make others happy and not disgusted hearing the name. Baby name books are a great place to start. Favorite characters in books, movies, TV shows, radio shows, past friends or relatives.
I have chosen names like Leopold, nicknamed Leo for a hunting dog who was named after a popular gun scope brand. I like story book characters like Rapunzel I picked for a Shih Tzu dog with beautiful hair. I have named animals after spices, ginger, cinnamon and pepper. I had a cockatiel with two orange circles on her cheeks and named her Pumpkin Cheeks. Her nickname was Pumpkin or PC for short.
There is no rule saying you can't use the same name again and again. Simply add a title after the name, the second or third. Use the title on their registration, vet records and such.
Ardy is the author of Ardy's Professional Tips for Companion Dogs. The eBook can be brought at her website. Her eBook is full of great information and designed to save time, effort and money. You can sign up for FREE TIPS and learn the secrets of training and health for your canine.
To view more articles written by Ardy Livermore :
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I want a name everyone in my family is happy with. Naming a hunting dog Daisy Mae may get your husband teased while hunting with his buddies. If you decide on a name that one member of your family doesn't like, a nickname can be used.
A dog doesn't care what you call it. It cares that you want to call it to you and get a friendly pat. If you say come here door in the same tone as you would when calling its regular name, your dog will come.
I like a name that makes me smile when calling my pooch. I enjoy names that make others happy and not disgusted hearing the name. Baby name books are a great place to start. Favorite characters in books, movies, TV shows, radio shows, past friends or relatives.
I have chosen names like Leopold, nicknamed Leo for a hunting dog who was named after a popular gun scope brand. I like story book characters like Rapunzel I picked for a Shih Tzu dog with beautiful hair. I have named animals after spices, ginger, cinnamon and pepper. I had a cockatiel with two orange circles on her cheeks and named her Pumpkin Cheeks. Her nickname was Pumpkin or PC for short.
There is no rule saying you can't use the same name again and again. Simply add a title after the name, the second or third. Use the title on their registration, vet records and such.
Ardy is the author of Ardy's Professional Tips for Companion Dogs. The eBook can be brought at her website. Her eBook is full of great information and designed to save time, effort and money. You can sign up for FREE TIPS and learn the secrets of training and health for your canine.
To view more articles written by Ardy Livermore :
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How to Obedience Train Your Puppy.
So, you got the perfect puppy for yourself, but what is the fun if it doesn't listen to you? It is very important to start obedience training while your dog is still a puppy. There are several methods of training your puppy, but you should not trust all these methods. While some may work on some dogs, some may not. Therefore, depending on the personality of your dog, you should select the training method that works for him.
Remember that each dog is unique and has its own unique emotional makeup. This means there is no universal formula to train your puppy. However, there are several steps that you can try out and which are likely to succeed.
The first thing you must remember before you obedience train your puppy is that punishment is not the way to go. This is the old thinking about "spare the rod and spoil the child" and is today shown to be ineffective. This kind of treatment mars your relationship with your dog forever and can make your dog aggressive and less affable - traits that you would certainly not like in your dog. Therefore, avoid punishments at all costs.
Instead, go for positive reinforcements. For example, instead of punishing your dog when it does something wrong, reward it when it does something right. All dogs have an intrinsic desire to please their owners and therefore if the dog knows you are happy with its behavior, it will try to act in that way. This is an important principle to know because using this, you can train your puppy to perform a variety of tricks as well.
Your dog's favorite food can form the reward when it acts accordingly. Also, a good massage and a loving hug also work wonders, so these should be tried out too. Once you understand your dog better, you will better be able to use this technique to train your puppy in the way you want.
Now, when you want to obedience train your puppy, start with the simplest commands - sit, come, fetch, etc. are easily taught and should be done first. This is because, in the beginning, your dog may not understand commands very well, and it is better to keep it simple. Once you are done with this preliminary stage, you can try out many different and more complex tricks as your dog grows.
When you want your dog to sit at a command, say the command and make your dog do that. For example, if you want your dog to sit, gently hold its legs and make it sit. This action should always be preceded by the command to sit. Eventually, your dog will understand what you want it to do and will act accordingly on simply hearing the command.
Another important training exercise your puppy must have is not to chew on stuff at your home. This happens with most puppies as they love to chew on whatever they can find, which can be quite damaging and annoying at home. Therefore whenever you find your puppy chewing, say a firm NO and move it away. After time, your puppy will understand that this behavior is unacceptable and stop chewing on everything.
Always remember to be loving and patient, but firm, while dealing with your puppy. Each puppy has a unique personality, so you should adjust yourself accordingly so that your puppy listens to you.
For more information on Dog Training check us out at
Written by Phillipa Goldcoat from
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Remember that each dog is unique and has its own unique emotional makeup. This means there is no universal formula to train your puppy. However, there are several steps that you can try out and which are likely to succeed.
The first thing you must remember before you obedience train your puppy is that punishment is not the way to go. This is the old thinking about "spare the rod and spoil the child" and is today shown to be ineffective. This kind of treatment mars your relationship with your dog forever and can make your dog aggressive and less affable - traits that you would certainly not like in your dog. Therefore, avoid punishments at all costs.
Instead, go for positive reinforcements. For example, instead of punishing your dog when it does something wrong, reward it when it does something right. All dogs have an intrinsic desire to please their owners and therefore if the dog knows you are happy with its behavior, it will try to act in that way. This is an important principle to know because using this, you can train your puppy to perform a variety of tricks as well.
Your dog's favorite food can form the reward when it acts accordingly. Also, a good massage and a loving hug also work wonders, so these should be tried out too. Once you understand your dog better, you will better be able to use this technique to train your puppy in the way you want.
Now, when you want to obedience train your puppy, start with the simplest commands - sit, come, fetch, etc. are easily taught and should be done first. This is because, in the beginning, your dog may not understand commands very well, and it is better to keep it simple. Once you are done with this preliminary stage, you can try out many different and more complex tricks as your dog grows.
When you want your dog to sit at a command, say the command and make your dog do that. For example, if you want your dog to sit, gently hold its legs and make it sit. This action should always be preceded by the command to sit. Eventually, your dog will understand what you want it to do and will act accordingly on simply hearing the command.
Another important training exercise your puppy must have is not to chew on stuff at your home. This happens with most puppies as they love to chew on whatever they can find, which can be quite damaging and annoying at home. Therefore whenever you find your puppy chewing, say a firm NO and move it away. After time, your puppy will understand that this behavior is unacceptable and stop chewing on everything.
Always remember to be loving and patient, but firm, while dealing with your puppy. Each puppy has a unique personality, so you should adjust yourself accordingly so that your puppy listens to you.
For more information on Dog Training check us out at
Written by Phillipa Goldcoat from
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Insure Your Puppy.
If you've just got a new puppy, you'll know what a joy they can be. However, they are hard work and costly. It's not just the day to day costs of keeping a puppy - such as food, treats, toys and grooming - you've also got vet's bills to pay.
Vets fees
Vets fees increase by an average of 12% a year, according to the Dog Breeders Association, yet the RSPCA has found that only 12% of dogs are covered by pet insurance. It also found that the most common ailment - a broker leg -can cost owners an age of £1,000 in vet's fees. And even if your dog doesn't get injured or have any unexpected illnesses, you're still have to pay for a wide range of vaccinations - which can cost as much as £40 each - and you may also want to have your dog neutered or spayed to prevent unwanted litters and deal with aggression in males.
Pet insurance
Puppy insurance is a great, low-cost way to manage the cost of vet's fees and ensure that your pet gets the best medical attention straight away - and you can get your puppy covered from less than £5 a month.
Compare pet insurance online to find the best deals and online discounts.
Different pet insurance deals offer different levels of cover - with most offering around £5,000 for each condition. However, there are things that you need to look out for. For example, some policies won't cover animals over a certain age. The excess you have to pay on each claim will also vary depending on the policy you choose.
Look for exclusions - such as accidental death or quarantine costs - before you sign up as basic insurance often only covers rudimentary issues, while top of the range policies may even cover the cost of advertising and even a reward if your pet is stolen.
Find best insurance for your puppy. Visit
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Vets fees
Vets fees increase by an average of 12% a year, according to the Dog Breeders Association, yet the RSPCA has found that only 12% of dogs are covered by pet insurance. It also found that the most common ailment - a broker leg -can cost owners an age of £1,000 in vet's fees. And even if your dog doesn't get injured or have any unexpected illnesses, you're still have to pay for a wide range of vaccinations - which can cost as much as £40 each - and you may also want to have your dog neutered or spayed to prevent unwanted litters and deal with aggression in males.
Pet insurance
Puppy insurance is a great, low-cost way to manage the cost of vet's fees and ensure that your pet gets the best medical attention straight away - and you can get your puppy covered from less than £5 a month.
Compare pet insurance online to find the best deals and online discounts.
Different pet insurance deals offer different levels of cover - with most offering around £5,000 for each condition. However, there are things that you need to look out for. For example, some policies won't cover animals over a certain age. The excess you have to pay on each claim will also vary depending on the policy you choose.
Look for exclusions - such as accidental death or quarantine costs - before you sign up as basic insurance often only covers rudimentary issues, while top of the range policies may even cover the cost of advertising and even a reward if your pet is stolen.
Find best insurance for your puppy. Visit
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How to Make Your Puppy 'SIT' Instantly With This Amazing Trick !
Getting your puppy to sit is vitally important. Having your new puppy to obey one of the most fundamental and basic commands must be covered early on, and its must be covered and carried out everyday.
The importance of making your puppy 'sit' cannot be stressed enough. So, how does one go about making him sit?
Quite simply, you just need this simple technique and a little practice to get your puppy listing to you, right now.
As the puppy stands in front of you, you must first engage in eye contact to get his attention. He will be naturally curious - but you have to be quick, as you know, these pups have a very limited attention span!
Once you have eye contact, gently touch his back and press down (very gently). Now here's the trick. You hold a single treat in your hand, and hold it above his head whilst you press his back down. As you do this, say the command 'SIT'. Say it firmly, slowly and say it like you mean it - that is very important.
He may need the command more than once (it depends on the puppy) but once he sits, even if for a fraction of a second, reward him with the treat and praise 'Good Boy' and give him a cuddle.
Within a very short space of time, your puppy will link 'SIT' with 'Treat'. As the puppy gets better and more responsive, cut back on the treats and replace with other toys - and then, eventually, no toys or treats at all. He will respond to just the command.
BUT - how do you get him listening to the other fundamental command, 'STAY'? It might be harder than you think!
Described as "A Shocking Reality Check Facing Many Dog Owners", Click here to grab my FREE E-Book report on fixing dog training problems and get the puppy understanding english commands within minutes. Free Download.
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The importance of making your puppy 'sit' cannot be stressed enough. So, how does one go about making him sit?
Quite simply, you just need this simple technique and a little practice to get your puppy listing to you, right now.
As the puppy stands in front of you, you must first engage in eye contact to get his attention. He will be naturally curious - but you have to be quick, as you know, these pups have a very limited attention span!
Once you have eye contact, gently touch his back and press down (very gently). Now here's the trick. You hold a single treat in your hand, and hold it above his head whilst you press his back down. As you do this, say the command 'SIT'. Say it firmly, slowly and say it like you mean it - that is very important.
He may need the command more than once (it depends on the puppy) but once he sits, even if for a fraction of a second, reward him with the treat and praise 'Good Boy' and give him a cuddle.
Within a very short space of time, your puppy will link 'SIT' with 'Treat'. As the puppy gets better and more responsive, cut back on the treats and replace with other toys - and then, eventually, no toys or treats at all. He will respond to just the command.
BUT - how do you get him listening to the other fundamental command, 'STAY'? It might be harder than you think!
Described as "A Shocking Reality Check Facing Many Dog Owners", Click here to grab my FREE E-Book report on fixing dog training problems and get the puppy understanding english commands within minutes. Free Download.
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How to Make Your Puppy Obey the "STAY'' Command Within 10 Minutes !
Making your puppy 'STAY' to your command is a very important step to in the dog training ladder. You need to tackle this step early, and you need to make sure your puppy understands what you are doing.
Lets start with the basics - you must already have got your dog listening to you with the SIT command, right? If you haven't, then check out my other article. For those that have, lets jump right in.
Similar to the SIT command, you can run this training exercise at the same time - this is important, and a lot of people miss it. Getting your dog to complete two commands in one sitting (excuse the pun) means more time for other tasks - and more quick rewards for you, the trainer.
Simply get him to the sitting position, do not award the treat (or toy) and then change the word over to 'STAY'. You must say the word firmly and show who is boss. Take a step back and edge away from the sitting puppy, all the while maintaining eye contact and repeating the word 'STAY'.
If he remains seated for a few seconds, reward your pup and repeat the process. When you repeat it however, try and walk further away and increase the distance. Remember - small steps and then praise.
The dog may take a while to get the idea, in which case just keep calm and keep at it. He/she will learn, it's just a matter of time, practice and repeating it, some times over and over!
Described as "A Shocking Reality Check Facing Many Dog Owners", Click here to grab my FREE E-Book report on fixing dog training problems and get the puppy understanding english commands. Free Download.
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Lets start with the basics - you must already have got your dog listening to you with the SIT command, right? If you haven't, then check out my other article. For those that have, lets jump right in.
Similar to the SIT command, you can run this training exercise at the same time - this is important, and a lot of people miss it. Getting your dog to complete two commands in one sitting (excuse the pun) means more time for other tasks - and more quick rewards for you, the trainer.
Simply get him to the sitting position, do not award the treat (or toy) and then change the word over to 'STAY'. You must say the word firmly and show who is boss. Take a step back and edge away from the sitting puppy, all the while maintaining eye contact and repeating the word 'STAY'.
If he remains seated for a few seconds, reward your pup and repeat the process. When you repeat it however, try and walk further away and increase the distance. Remember - small steps and then praise.
The dog may take a while to get the idea, in which case just keep calm and keep at it. He/she will learn, it's just a matter of time, practice and repeating it, some times over and over!
Described as "A Shocking Reality Check Facing Many Dog Owners", Click here to grab my FREE E-Book report on fixing dog training problems and get the puppy understanding english commands. Free Download.
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Number One Tip For Potty Training Your Puppy.
When I first started out breeding Labrador Retrievers, the one question that came back to me again and again from new puppy owners was "How do I stop my puppy from going potty on my carpet?"
Having a new puppy can be the most wonderful time of both yours and your new pups life. After all, they are so cute and mischievous and bring so much joy to you even just by looking at you. Sometimes, owners choose to raise their puppy inside with the family. Nothing is greater than seeing your pup grow to be a dog and still sitting at your feet while you watch t.v or read.
Unfortunately, a lot of puppies don't get to make it this far as they sabotaged any chance of staying inside after they wet on the floor one too many times! Its a sad statistic that the number one reason why pups end up in shelters is that they have potty training issues. So, how do you train your puppy to go potty?
Well I will give you the number one tip: YOU have to be trained YOURSELF. No I don't mean you need to be trained to go potty yourself, (however, if you think it would help - be my guest!) I mean you need to learn all the signals and cues that your pup will give you so you know when it is definitely time to go. You will also need to learn that repetition is the key to training dogs young or old. If you cant commit to being consistent and spending the time to potty train your puppy, then you just wont see results. You will also need to have your puppy work around a time schedule of when it is potty time and when it is not. Nobody wants to be getting up to their dog 4 and 5 times an evening to let them go potty!
Learning the proper technique will ensure that your pup is on the right path to long term potty trained success. You will feel more confident in training your pup to perform other commands and your pup will have boundaries set for him or her that are firmly established, because of the consistency and time you have applied to your pup to learn them.
Having a puppy is a commitment that should not be taken lightly. Proper, informed training can mean the difference between your dog being a welcome member of the family or a nuisance that cant be trusted inside. I wish you every success in training your puppy and many years of happiness with your dog.
To learn more about Potty Training for Dogs, check out
Sarah Gladman has been breeding and training Labrador Retrievers for 14 years. She has worked as a Head Clinic Veterinary Nurse for 6 years. She enjoys time with her elderly Labrador Lillian, and her chocolate partner in crime; Baxter. They share their bed with Count Crusty. 3 Felines allow Sarah and her family to live in their house. Pikelet, Elliott and Wink. All Scottish Folds.
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Having a new puppy can be the most wonderful time of both yours and your new pups life. After all, they are so cute and mischievous and bring so much joy to you even just by looking at you. Sometimes, owners choose to raise their puppy inside with the family. Nothing is greater than seeing your pup grow to be a dog and still sitting at your feet while you watch t.v or read.
Unfortunately, a lot of puppies don't get to make it this far as they sabotaged any chance of staying inside after they wet on the floor one too many times! Its a sad statistic that the number one reason why pups end up in shelters is that they have potty training issues. So, how do you train your puppy to go potty?
Well I will give you the number one tip: YOU have to be trained YOURSELF. No I don't mean you need to be trained to go potty yourself, (however, if you think it would help - be my guest!) I mean you need to learn all the signals and cues that your pup will give you so you know when it is definitely time to go. You will also need to learn that repetition is the key to training dogs young or old. If you cant commit to being consistent and spending the time to potty train your puppy, then you just wont see results. You will also need to have your puppy work around a time schedule of when it is potty time and when it is not. Nobody wants to be getting up to their dog 4 and 5 times an evening to let them go potty!
Learning the proper technique will ensure that your pup is on the right path to long term potty trained success. You will feel more confident in training your pup to perform other commands and your pup will have boundaries set for him or her that are firmly established, because of the consistency and time you have applied to your pup to learn them.
Having a puppy is a commitment that should not be taken lightly. Proper, informed training can mean the difference between your dog being a welcome member of the family or a nuisance that cant be trusted inside. I wish you every success in training your puppy and many years of happiness with your dog.
To learn more about Potty Training for Dogs, check out
Sarah Gladman has been breeding and training Labrador Retrievers for 14 years. She has worked as a Head Clinic Veterinary Nurse for 6 years. She enjoys time with her elderly Labrador Lillian, and her chocolate partner in crime; Baxter. They share their bed with Count Crusty. 3 Felines allow Sarah and her family to live in their house. Pikelet, Elliott and Wink. All Scottish Folds.
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Dog House - Build a Suitable House For Your Beloved Pup !
Everyone loves to have a pet in his home to spend his leisure with him. If you are also from those who love animals and a true dog lover then read this article because I am going to reveal some important tips that can be very helpful for you to build a proper house for your dog.
For sure if you are going to buy a pup then it is also quite important to build a perfect home for him. Most of the people think that their pet can easily live with them in their home or apartment but they are totally wrong. As you know that a dog is a very sensitive and good observer but it has feelings and emotions too. So, after purchasing a dog it is strongly recommended to construct a cozy house for him where he can live and spend his time without any outside interruption.
As I mentioned earlier that animals have emotions too and they love to live in their own territory or place instead of an open room where everyone can distract them. Constructing a home for your dog is not such a big deal but you have to apply some vital steps before making a house. First thing you have to keep in mind is the size of your dog. Do measure the width and height of your dog before building any thing. If your dog is too big then try to make the house a little wide where he can stay comfortably.
Second most important thing after this step is to find a suitable location where the house is safe from extreme weather conditions. Always build the house above the ground level so that in rainy seasons the water could not enter the house. Moreover, paint the walls of the dog house with proper paints and also apply the sprays on the walls of house to kill germs and other insects that can harm the house and dog as well.
Lastly, these few techniques are quite significant and you can easily make your dog happy by building him a perfect dog house. For further details, you can also surf the websites given below.
Come visit the author latest websites on Cheap Dog House and Cat Litter Furniture
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For sure if you are going to buy a pup then it is also quite important to build a perfect home for him. Most of the people think that their pet can easily live with them in their home or apartment but they are totally wrong. As you know that a dog is a very sensitive and good observer but it has feelings and emotions too. So, after purchasing a dog it is strongly recommended to construct a cozy house for him where he can live and spend his time without any outside interruption.
As I mentioned earlier that animals have emotions too and they love to live in their own territory or place instead of an open room where everyone can distract them. Constructing a home for your dog is not such a big deal but you have to apply some vital steps before making a house. First thing you have to keep in mind is the size of your dog. Do measure the width and height of your dog before building any thing. If your dog is too big then try to make the house a little wide where he can stay comfortably.
Second most important thing after this step is to find a suitable location where the house is safe from extreme weather conditions. Always build the house above the ground level so that in rainy seasons the water could not enter the house. Moreover, paint the walls of the dog house with proper paints and also apply the sprays on the walls of house to kill germs and other insects that can harm the house and dog as well.
Lastly, these few techniques are quite significant and you can easily make your dog happy by building him a perfect dog house. For further details, you can also surf the websites given below.
Come visit the author latest websites on Cheap Dog House and Cat Litter Furniture
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Choose Between Newspaper Or Crate Training Methods to House Break Your Pooch !
Living in a small space and getting a new pet is a challenge, obedience training, especially puppy house training can get on both your nerves and the dog's. Since he is still a pup, he can't control his bladder and his bowel. He would still need to be trained by you. But since living in a small space or an apartment building, he can't access dog parks and you may not be always around to take him outside. There are two options in training pups inside the house, newspaper and crate training. Newspaper training is an old training method of spreading newspaper where you want the dog to do his business. Crate training has become one of the most popular training methods because it also teaches your dog bladder or bowel control skills that he will need in the future.
Spread newspaper where you want your dog to poop and pee. When you see his usual behavior of walking and sniffing the floor, carry him to the newspaper spread. There is no need for talking, petting or cuddling while carrying him, just place him where he needs to be. Newspaper should at least be four layers, keep the fourth as a marker for the second spread of newspaper. This puppy house training is a hit or miss situation for a while but it is important to be consistent that when you see his potty behavior, carry again if he isn't on the spot, until such time he gets the idea.
Crate training on the other hand, runs on different reasoning, dogs in general are hygienic and do not like their sleeping area soiled by their own waste. Put the dog in a crate with just enough space to sleep in. But before doing so, walk him outside to his favorite spot to do his business, and wait for the event to happen. Then put him in the crate. Puppies between the ages 8 to 10 weeks may hold the urge for 7 to 8 hours. Do not leave him unattended for long periods. Choose a crate that is just right for him to lie down and nothing else, choosing a bigger crate can be a problem, he may soil one side and leave the other side clean as his sleeping area; that defeats the purpose of teaching him to hold the urge to potty. Bed time is of course crate time.
Two important rules to remember during puppy house training:
If you didn't catch him in the act, leave it, do not yell or punish him.
Give praise when it is due. This goes for any act of obedience by your dog, praise and reward must be given when he does a good deed.
There are no shortcuts in puppy house training. Consistency, patience and will are needed for your pet to be successfully house broken. Your time will be your valued asset in this endeavor.
Click the text link for more information on puppy house training techniques. It is important to train them correctly if you want to see quick results. If you'd like to read a review of one of the better online dog training products click the following link secrets to dog training.
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Spread newspaper where you want your dog to poop and pee. When you see his usual behavior of walking and sniffing the floor, carry him to the newspaper spread. There is no need for talking, petting or cuddling while carrying him, just place him where he needs to be. Newspaper should at least be four layers, keep the fourth as a marker for the second spread of newspaper. This puppy house training is a hit or miss situation for a while but it is important to be consistent that when you see his potty behavior, carry again if he isn't on the spot, until such time he gets the idea.
Crate training on the other hand, runs on different reasoning, dogs in general are hygienic and do not like their sleeping area soiled by their own waste. Put the dog in a crate with just enough space to sleep in. But before doing so, walk him outside to his favorite spot to do his business, and wait for the event to happen. Then put him in the crate. Puppies between the ages 8 to 10 weeks may hold the urge for 7 to 8 hours. Do not leave him unattended for long periods. Choose a crate that is just right for him to lie down and nothing else, choosing a bigger crate can be a problem, he may soil one side and leave the other side clean as his sleeping area; that defeats the purpose of teaching him to hold the urge to potty. Bed time is of course crate time.
Two important rules to remember during puppy house training:
If you didn't catch him in the act, leave it, do not yell or punish him.
Give praise when it is due. This goes for any act of obedience by your dog, praise and reward must be given when he does a good deed.
There are no shortcuts in puppy house training. Consistency, patience and will are needed for your pet to be successfully house broken. Your time will be your valued asset in this endeavor.
Click the text link for more information on puppy house training techniques. It is important to train them correctly if you want to see quick results. If you'd like to read a review of one of the better online dog training products click the following link secrets to dog training.
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3 Sure Fire Puppy Housebreaking Tips That Will Make House Training a Piece of Cake !
If you're looking for puppy housebreaking tips this is the right place to be. I have researched plenty of information on the subject of toilet training puppies and can now share in this article what I think are the 3 most essential puppy housebreaking tips. While implementing them remember to stay positive and patient as there is no such thing as housebreaking a dog overnight. Dog training is a lot about consistency as well so keep this in mind while teaching your pet to eliminate outside.
Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 1 - Why Do You Have To Keep An Eye On The Clock
The fact is that young puppies will not be able to control their bladder until they are 12 weeks old and may often eliminate indoors without warning. You can prevent such accidents by monitoring your pet's behavior (whether he sniffs around and circles in search of a suitable place to relieve himself) and scheduling the meals regularly. Puppies will usually have to eliminate within the first 20 minutes from the last meal so as long as you know when was the last time your dog ate you can save nerves on cleaning the stinky spots from your carpet.
Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 2 - Why Confinement Plays Such A Big Role In Toilet Training
Second of the best puppy housebreaking tips I know is to provide your pet with his own little leaving area where he'll be able to sleep, eat and play at the beginning of his life. You can either isolate a part of a room with a baby gate or buy a crate. Because dogs are naturally clean animals they will try not soil their sleeping areas. This will force them to learn how to control their physiological needs and speed up the housebreaking process. Designating a leaving area for your dog is in tune with his natural needs as well. This is because dogs are den animals and they instinctively look for such a place wherever they go (it gives them a bit of peace and is a great way to escape from all the fuss around).
Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 3 - The Importance Of Consistency And Patience
In order to boost house training you need to make sure that all of the family members use the same command (such as 'go potty') and take your pet to the same place outside every time he needs to eliminate. This will associate in his brain the fact of defecating or urinating in one specific place with the chosen word. This way whenever you tell your dog to 'go potty' or 'outside' he will instantly head towards the doors. After a while you may simply let him out instead of taking to the specified spot. By that time your dog should take the hint that you basically expect him to eliminate SOMEWHERE in the yard, not necessarily under this one particular piece of bush:)
These 3 puppy house breaking tips form a basis for all the house training methods.
Tired of coming home to that mess on the floor? Want to learn more solid proof ways to toilet train your puppy FAST so that he stops eliminating indoors? Find out how you too can train your dog to be the pet you want him to be at
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Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 1 - Why Do You Have To Keep An Eye On The Clock
The fact is that young puppies will not be able to control their bladder until they are 12 weeks old and may often eliminate indoors without warning. You can prevent such accidents by monitoring your pet's behavior (whether he sniffs around and circles in search of a suitable place to relieve himself) and scheduling the meals regularly. Puppies will usually have to eliminate within the first 20 minutes from the last meal so as long as you know when was the last time your dog ate you can save nerves on cleaning the stinky spots from your carpet.
Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 2 - Why Confinement Plays Such A Big Role In Toilet Training
Second of the best puppy housebreaking tips I know is to provide your pet with his own little leaving area where he'll be able to sleep, eat and play at the beginning of his life. You can either isolate a part of a room with a baby gate or buy a crate. Because dogs are naturally clean animals they will try not soil their sleeping areas. This will force them to learn how to control their physiological needs and speed up the housebreaking process. Designating a leaving area for your dog is in tune with his natural needs as well. This is because dogs are den animals and they instinctively look for such a place wherever they go (it gives them a bit of peace and is a great way to escape from all the fuss around).
Puppy Housebreaking Tips Part 3 - The Importance Of Consistency And Patience
In order to boost house training you need to make sure that all of the family members use the same command (such as 'go potty') and take your pet to the same place outside every time he needs to eliminate. This will associate in his brain the fact of defecating or urinating in one specific place with the chosen word. This way whenever you tell your dog to 'go potty' or 'outside' he will instantly head towards the doors. After a while you may simply let him out instead of taking to the specified spot. By that time your dog should take the hint that you basically expect him to eliminate SOMEWHERE in the yard, not necessarily under this one particular piece of bush:)
These 3 puppy house breaking tips form a basis for all the house training methods.
Tired of coming home to that mess on the floor? Want to learn more solid proof ways to toilet train your puppy FAST so that he stops eliminating indoors? Find out how you too can train your dog to be the pet you want him to be at
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Using Praise For Puppy Training and Housebreaking.
Praise is among the most important elements of potty training a dog, and yet it is also one of the steps that is most commonly overlooked by dog owners trying to housebreak their pets. The reason that praise is so important is that it is the primary technique you have in order to show your dog that you are happy with his or her behavior. This is how you tell your dog that he or she has done the right thing and that you will be happy if it is repeated.
This technique is a positive form of training that is humane and pleasant for the dog and is generally referred to as "reward training". Reward training is very easy to use and is increasing in popularity among veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and pet owners alike. Its foundation is simply to reward -- through praise or treats -- good behaviors while taking preventative action against undesirable behaviors and giving no acknowledgment whatsoever if they do actually occur. This is often a pleasant way to train because it steers away from having to punish the dog for bad behavior -- which is often simply confusing or ineffective anyway. Reward training has been found to be highly successful for potty training and keeps stress levels on both you and your dog at a minimum.
In order to properly praise your dog in the housebreaking process, you can use the following steps:
- Using a set feeding, activity, sleeping, and elimination schedule, take your dog out often (especially at times when he or she is most likely to need to go) to prevent accidents in the house. Even within a fenced in yard, keep your dog on a leash in order to maximize the control you have over him or her. This is important because it will show your dog that going outside to eliminate is different from heading out to play games. It also means that you will remain close to your dog so that you will be there in time to effectively reward him or her for eliminating in the right place.
- Have a specific spot in the yard that is designated for eliminating. Whenever you take your dog outside, go directly to that spot first. This will help your dog to learn that this is the right location for elimination and will prevent your dog from eliminating elsewhere first, which would make it harder for you to designate the specific place.
- Use a specific command to tell the dog that it is time to eliminate. Use this word as a suggestion as you approach the designated elimination location, and then repeat the word as your dog is actually eliminating. Do not say the word over and over again as you wait for the dog to go as this will only confuse your dog as to the meaning of the word and what is actually expected of him or her.
Once your dog is finished eliminating, praise him or her immediately, before he or she has the chance to be distracted by something else and will not be able to associate your praise with eliminating in the spot. Though the reward training technique does allow for both treats and praise, in this case, only your kind words and a nice patting will be required. The main goal is to make sure that your puppy knows that you are happy that he or she has gone in the right place.
Pamella Neely writes about crate training puppies and puppy training housebreaking.
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This technique is a positive form of training that is humane and pleasant for the dog and is generally referred to as "reward training". Reward training is very easy to use and is increasing in popularity among veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and pet owners alike. Its foundation is simply to reward -- through praise or treats -- good behaviors while taking preventative action against undesirable behaviors and giving no acknowledgment whatsoever if they do actually occur. This is often a pleasant way to train because it steers away from having to punish the dog for bad behavior -- which is often simply confusing or ineffective anyway. Reward training has been found to be highly successful for potty training and keeps stress levels on both you and your dog at a minimum.
In order to properly praise your dog in the housebreaking process, you can use the following steps:
- Using a set feeding, activity, sleeping, and elimination schedule, take your dog out often (especially at times when he or she is most likely to need to go) to prevent accidents in the house. Even within a fenced in yard, keep your dog on a leash in order to maximize the control you have over him or her. This is important because it will show your dog that going outside to eliminate is different from heading out to play games. It also means that you will remain close to your dog so that you will be there in time to effectively reward him or her for eliminating in the right place.
- Have a specific spot in the yard that is designated for eliminating. Whenever you take your dog outside, go directly to that spot first. This will help your dog to learn that this is the right location for elimination and will prevent your dog from eliminating elsewhere first, which would make it harder for you to designate the specific place.
- Use a specific command to tell the dog that it is time to eliminate. Use this word as a suggestion as you approach the designated elimination location, and then repeat the word as your dog is actually eliminating. Do not say the word over and over again as you wait for the dog to go as this will only confuse your dog as to the meaning of the word and what is actually expected of him or her.
Once your dog is finished eliminating, praise him or her immediately, before he or she has the chance to be distracted by something else and will not be able to associate your praise with eliminating in the spot. Though the reward training technique does allow for both treats and praise, in this case, only your kind words and a nice patting will be required. The main goal is to make sure that your puppy knows that you are happy that he or she has gone in the right place.
Pamella Neely writes about crate training puppies and puppy training housebreaking.
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Five Techniques For Obedience Training Puppies.
When is the best time to start obedience training puppies? Puppies are ready to learn from about 10 weeks of age. You should start with the very basics, and not expect too much from your little pooch too soon.
Puppies are babies, just like children, so keep this in mind when you start obedience training puppies. It should not be all "business", you should definitely include plenty of playtime or your little pooch will not listen when you try to teach it some commands.
One of the most important thing about obedience training puppies is to make it fun. Do not yell at your pet or be negative. Positive reinforcement and praise are the best ways to teach a pet a new behavior.
Here are the basic things you should be doing with your puppy:
1. Immediately from when you get your little pooch home, you should regularly bathe and brush him. Trim his nails and brush his teeth. Put a collar on him and attach a leash. This will get your pet used to the idea of being handled and also lets him know who is boss.
2. When you feed your puppy, take his food dish away several times. This will teach him to not be aggressive when he is eating his food.
3. Socialization is very important. Take your pet puppy out for a walk where you will encounter other dogs. Allow your pet to explore those dogs and play with them, if possible. Make sure your pet's vaccinations are up to date.
4. When your puppy is about 1 month old, you can start to teach him simple things like "come", "sit", "wait", "don't touch".
5. Teach your little pooch not to bite. If your pet nips or bites you, you should have a toy ready in your other hand to put in their mouth and then praise them.
Obedience training puppies requires a great deal of patience and love. Never get angry with your pet or hit your pet. Make sure that you spend a great deal of time playing with your pet and never leave it alone with small children.
As your puppy grows older, it is ready to learn more complicated commands. Around the five-month mark, you can teach your pet manners with commands such as "off", "stand", "down" and "stand". Never use punishment as a training method. Any good training method uses rewards to motivate your dog to behave.
See how a professional Hollywood dog trainer gets puppies to behave virtually overnight by visiting my favourite site here: Obedience Training Puppies
For more information on crate training for puppy and other behaviour issues, see one of my best resources, visit Puppy Training
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Puppies are babies, just like children, so keep this in mind when you start obedience training puppies. It should not be all "business", you should definitely include plenty of playtime or your little pooch will not listen when you try to teach it some commands.
One of the most important thing about obedience training puppies is to make it fun. Do not yell at your pet or be negative. Positive reinforcement and praise are the best ways to teach a pet a new behavior.
Here are the basic things you should be doing with your puppy:
1. Immediately from when you get your little pooch home, you should regularly bathe and brush him. Trim his nails and brush his teeth. Put a collar on him and attach a leash. This will get your pet used to the idea of being handled and also lets him know who is boss.
2. When you feed your puppy, take his food dish away several times. This will teach him to not be aggressive when he is eating his food.
3. Socialization is very important. Take your pet puppy out for a walk where you will encounter other dogs. Allow your pet to explore those dogs and play with them, if possible. Make sure your pet's vaccinations are up to date.
4. When your puppy is about 1 month old, you can start to teach him simple things like "come", "sit", "wait", "don't touch".
5. Teach your little pooch not to bite. If your pet nips or bites you, you should have a toy ready in your other hand to put in their mouth and then praise them.
Obedience training puppies requires a great deal of patience and love. Never get angry with your pet or hit your pet. Make sure that you spend a great deal of time playing with your pet and never leave it alone with small children.
As your puppy grows older, it is ready to learn more complicated commands. Around the five-month mark, you can teach your pet manners with commands such as "off", "stand", "down" and "stand". Never use punishment as a training method. Any good training method uses rewards to motivate your dog to behave.
See how a professional Hollywood dog trainer gets puppies to behave virtually overnight by visiting my favourite site here: Obedience Training Puppies
For more information on crate training for puppy and other behaviour issues, see one of my best resources, visit Puppy Training
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Dog Obedience Training - Setting Early Boundaries is Important.
Most of us may not like it some of the time, but deep down inside we all know that we function a lot better when we have rules to abide by. Whether they are in the form of laws, social ethics, or common conventions, we have guides for our behavior in order for society to be less problematic.
Well, dogs are similar to us in that they, too, need boundaries to live by for good behavior. Establishing mental boundaries as well as physical, your dog will feel more safe and comfortable with you and its environment.
When you first bring your little puppy home, all it knows is what it wants and needs to do, and boundaries are not a natural instinct, so its up to you to set them.
The key to dog obedience training is being very consistent with your commands and routines for your dog.
For instance, here is a good analogy: if you are repetitious with your puppy about not jumping on the sofa after a bath, coming in for a walk, or any other time, your dog will learn that this is not appropriate behavior. You can do this by firmly but lovingly commanding your puppy to not jump on the couch by using the words " no, down" or just "down".
If your puppy continues to obey your commands, reward him or her with a treat or a pet and the words "good boy or girl" or use their name instead of boy or girl.
Not having your puppy jump on your sofa at home means that he or she will not jump on others sofas when you are visiting friends or family.
This goes the same way with other boundaries that you will set at home. You have to ask yourself how you would want your dog to behave in public, at home and at the homes of others.
So make sure that you get online or to your local bookstore to do your research on how to establish and be consistent with setting boundaries with your pet.
Dog training obedience skills improve if you, the owner, are stern but not abusive, and if you are consistent and rewarding to your animal when he or she obeys your command.
The truth is that obedience training is really about training the owner- you! Your puppy is like that of a child in that they do not innately know boundaries which means that they have to learn them from their guardians.
Using positive reinforcement, repetition, and rewarding techniques will make your dog behave more positively. Therefore, do not hesitate on discovering some basic techniques that involve the above concepts, your pet will certainly appreciate, and you will be a much happier owner.
Frustrated and Embarrassed by Your Dog's Behavior?
It Could All End Today By Clicking Here!
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Well, dogs are similar to us in that they, too, need boundaries to live by for good behavior. Establishing mental boundaries as well as physical, your dog will feel more safe and comfortable with you and its environment.
When you first bring your little puppy home, all it knows is what it wants and needs to do, and boundaries are not a natural instinct, so its up to you to set them.
The key to dog obedience training is being very consistent with your commands and routines for your dog.
For instance, here is a good analogy: if you are repetitious with your puppy about not jumping on the sofa after a bath, coming in for a walk, or any other time, your dog will learn that this is not appropriate behavior. You can do this by firmly but lovingly commanding your puppy to not jump on the couch by using the words " no, down" or just "down".
If your puppy continues to obey your commands, reward him or her with a treat or a pet and the words "good boy or girl" or use their name instead of boy or girl.
Not having your puppy jump on your sofa at home means that he or she will not jump on others sofas when you are visiting friends or family.
This goes the same way with other boundaries that you will set at home. You have to ask yourself how you would want your dog to behave in public, at home and at the homes of others.
So make sure that you get online or to your local bookstore to do your research on how to establish and be consistent with setting boundaries with your pet.
Dog training obedience skills improve if you, the owner, are stern but not abusive, and if you are consistent and rewarding to your animal when he or she obeys your command.
The truth is that obedience training is really about training the owner- you! Your puppy is like that of a child in that they do not innately know boundaries which means that they have to learn them from their guardians.
Using positive reinforcement, repetition, and rewarding techniques will make your dog behave more positively. Therefore, do not hesitate on discovering some basic techniques that involve the above concepts, your pet will certainly appreciate, and you will be a much happier owner.
Frustrated and Embarrassed by Your Dog's Behavior?
It Could All End Today By Clicking Here!
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Is Your Puppy Peeing on the Floor ? Here Are Some Tips to Help Potty Train Your Puppy.
Puppies do not comprehend when and where to eliminate, so it is entirely up to the owners to establish these requirements early on when potty training.
The four key elements to potty training your puppies are training, timing, confinement and praise.
In this article today, we will go over these elements and confront the basics to breaking your puppies natural inclination to just go in the house.
In order to help your puppy in the beginning of potty training you will need to give them a confined area to stay in. This can be a kennel or cage that is large enough for him or her to move around in. Do not line the area with anything because the puppy will certainly have a day of destroying whatever you put down under them.
A puppy will not usually eliminate where they are sleeping, so this is a good way to train them to not go in the house.
And remember to religiously use a leash when potty training your puppies. Why? Because the leash offers you more control of the animal and allows you to lead them to the place where they need to go. This will train them by routine where they can go potty outside.
You also need to use command words like outside, time for potty, lets go, do your business, etc. If you repeat these words enough, your puppy will come to understand that this means its time to go out and eliminate.
The best command term to use is " outside" with an enthusiastic tone. You can grab the leash and happily ask your puppy " wanna go out, out, outside"? They will usually jump up and wag their tails to this command after enough training.
If your puppy becomes distracted by a sound or another animal, gently tug the leash and remind him or her by using your command words like " go potty" or " time to tinkle". It may sound silly but puppies respond very well to your tone of voice and your words, so make sure that you keep the same happy tone every time you use your words.
Finally, praise is absolutely key to training your puppy to go outside to eliminate. Once he or she has successfully gone outside you should always pet them, give them words like good, good job, or that's a good boy or girl while they are eliminating, not after. This will reinforce their good behavior and remind them that they are pleasing their owners.
All puppies and owners go through this frustrating process of potty training in the beginning, but if you keep at it consistently and use the methods mentioned in this article, your puppy should be well on his or her way to being successfully potty trained.
Frustrated and Embarrassed by Your Dog's Behavior?
It Could All End Today By Clicking Here!
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The four key elements to potty training your puppies are training, timing, confinement and praise.
In this article today, we will go over these elements and confront the basics to breaking your puppies natural inclination to just go in the house.
In order to help your puppy in the beginning of potty training you will need to give them a confined area to stay in. This can be a kennel or cage that is large enough for him or her to move around in. Do not line the area with anything because the puppy will certainly have a day of destroying whatever you put down under them.
A puppy will not usually eliminate where they are sleeping, so this is a good way to train them to not go in the house.
And remember to religiously use a leash when potty training your puppies. Why? Because the leash offers you more control of the animal and allows you to lead them to the place where they need to go. This will train them by routine where they can go potty outside.
You also need to use command words like outside, time for potty, lets go, do your business, etc. If you repeat these words enough, your puppy will come to understand that this means its time to go out and eliminate.
The best command term to use is " outside" with an enthusiastic tone. You can grab the leash and happily ask your puppy " wanna go out, out, outside"? They will usually jump up and wag their tails to this command after enough training.
If your puppy becomes distracted by a sound or another animal, gently tug the leash and remind him or her by using your command words like " go potty" or " time to tinkle". It may sound silly but puppies respond very well to your tone of voice and your words, so make sure that you keep the same happy tone every time you use your words.
Finally, praise is absolutely key to training your puppy to go outside to eliminate. Once he or she has successfully gone outside you should always pet them, give them words like good, good job, or that's a good boy or girl while they are eliminating, not after. This will reinforce their good behavior and remind them that they are pleasing their owners.
All puppies and owners go through this frustrating process of potty training in the beginning, but if you keep at it consistently and use the methods mentioned in this article, your puppy should be well on his or her way to being successfully potty trained.
Frustrated and Embarrassed by Your Dog's Behavior?
It Could All End Today By Clicking Here!
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Discover How Clicker Dog Training Can Turn Your Puppy Into Wonder Dog !
Let's face it: training a puppy can be hard work! Not all of us are born dog whisperers, after all. But if you've never tried clicker dog training before, you're in for a big surprise. Puppy training can be fun--and easy too!
Put simply, clicker dog training is one of the simplest and most effective ways to train a puppy.
Clicker training is used by professional trainers across the world for all different types of animals--but it's perfectly easy for you to learn to do it at home.
With only a little practice, you can teach your puppy all the basic cues such as come when called, sit, down and stay with just a click. This method is used to train dolphins, horses, bears and dogs--and it seems it even works on humans too!
So what's the big secret behind clicker dog training?
It works on the principle of letting your dog know when he has done something right and then rewarding him for this behavior. This principle is called positive reinforcement and it's one of the most powerful ways a dog can learn.
A clicker is a small, inexpensive, handheld device with a button that makes a 'click' sound when pressed. It's a short, sharp sound that dogs can easily recognize.
Here's how it works:
1. You ask the dog for a certain action - for example, to sit.
2. The dog sits.
3. You immediately click and give the dog a reward and praise.
The dog now knows that when he hears the click, he must have done something right. And if he does something right, he gets a reward--so he will make sure he does the right thing again next time he is asked.
Timing is all important. You must click as soon as the dog does the right thing, not a couple of seconds after, when he's scratching his ear or looking at a butterfly. Otherwise he'll think he's being rewarded for scratching or not paying attention! This is one of the most important things to know when learning how to train a dog.
Clicker dog training can produce great results very quickly, even on dogs that have been difficult to train. No yelling, shouting or hitting required! Just simple, gentle, effective dog training methods that work.
You can use it to train a dog to do tricks as well. Have you seen some of those very clever dogs on TV or at a fair who do all kinds of amazing tricks for their handlers? Many of them will have been trained with a clicker and it's really not hard to pick up this technique yourself. In no time, you can have your dog shaking hands, spinning in circles, speaking on command, rolling over--the list goes on!
Believe me, once you start to apply clicker dog training, you'll be astounded at the speedy results you get from your unruly pup. So if you would like to find out more about how to train a puppy, why not visit my website and get your puppy started on his Wonder Dog journey today?
Jay Roach is passionate about the proper care and training of puppies, and about helping new dog owners understand their furry friends. For more facts, tips and guidance on how to train a puppy, and on buying and caring for a puppy, visit
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Put simply, clicker dog training is one of the simplest and most effective ways to train a puppy.
Clicker training is used by professional trainers across the world for all different types of animals--but it's perfectly easy for you to learn to do it at home.
With only a little practice, you can teach your puppy all the basic cues such as come when called, sit, down and stay with just a click. This method is used to train dolphins, horses, bears and dogs--and it seems it even works on humans too!
So what's the big secret behind clicker dog training?
It works on the principle of letting your dog know when he has done something right and then rewarding him for this behavior. This principle is called positive reinforcement and it's one of the most powerful ways a dog can learn.
A clicker is a small, inexpensive, handheld device with a button that makes a 'click' sound when pressed. It's a short, sharp sound that dogs can easily recognize.
Here's how it works:
1. You ask the dog for a certain action - for example, to sit.
2. The dog sits.
3. You immediately click and give the dog a reward and praise.
The dog now knows that when he hears the click, he must have done something right. And if he does something right, he gets a reward--so he will make sure he does the right thing again next time he is asked.
Timing is all important. You must click as soon as the dog does the right thing, not a couple of seconds after, when he's scratching his ear or looking at a butterfly. Otherwise he'll think he's being rewarded for scratching or not paying attention! This is one of the most important things to know when learning how to train a dog.
Clicker dog training can produce great results very quickly, even on dogs that have been difficult to train. No yelling, shouting or hitting required! Just simple, gentle, effective dog training methods that work.
You can use it to train a dog to do tricks as well. Have you seen some of those very clever dogs on TV or at a fair who do all kinds of amazing tricks for their handlers? Many of them will have been trained with a clicker and it's really not hard to pick up this technique yourself. In no time, you can have your dog shaking hands, spinning in circles, speaking on command, rolling over--the list goes on!
Believe me, once you start to apply clicker dog training, you'll be astounded at the speedy results you get from your unruly pup. So if you would like to find out more about how to train a puppy, why not visit my website and get your puppy started on his Wonder Dog journey today?
Jay Roach is passionate about the proper care and training of puppies, and about helping new dog owners understand their furry friends. For more facts, tips and guidance on how to train a puppy, and on buying and caring for a puppy, visit
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How to Housebreak a Puppy Part Two.
Puppy Housebreaking Rule #1: The most important part of housebreaking a puppy is supervision. You must be able to see what you're puppy is doing at all times, and not let them potty inside the house. Every time they potty inside, you are moving a step backward rather than a step forward.
Puppy Housebreaking Rule #2: You must never punish a puppy for doing any behavior (including peeing or pooping on the carpet) UNLESS you catch them IN THE ACT of doing it. Dogs do not have the mental capacity to understand punishment that comes after the act is done. Even if it's only a few minutes later, their brains can't put the two pieces together.
If you come home to find poo already on the floor, you must not scold your puppy, because they will think they are being scolded for whatever it is they are doing at that very moment. If they're playing with toys, they'll think they're being scolded for playing with toys - NOT for the poo on the floor.
Puppy Housebreaking Rule #3: When you do catch them in the act (I say when, not if, because no matter what your puppy will most likely have at least one accident during the process), you should not punish them.
Why not? Because this will make your puppy afraid of going potty in front of you, which will cause problems when you try to get them to go potty outside. They'll be too afraid to go potty with you around.
Instead, pick up your puppy while sternly saying "no", and take them outside (or to wherever it is you want them to go potty).
The best method is prevention. Watch your puppy closely for signals of needing to go to the bathroom, such as sniffing the floor or turning in circles.
Keep in mind that puppies will need to go to the bathroom about 30-40 minutes after eating or drinking anything.
Follow the simple housebreaking rules in this article and your puppy will be housebroken in no time.
If you take just one single golden nugget from this article, let it be this: you can't correct your puppy unless you catch them in the act. If you can't see them, you can't catch them in the act. Supervise, supervise, supervise.
Thanks for reading my article, I hope it helped you out. Find out more tips and tricks to fix dog problems at
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Puppy Housebreaking Rule #2: You must never punish a puppy for doing any behavior (including peeing or pooping on the carpet) UNLESS you catch them IN THE ACT of doing it. Dogs do not have the mental capacity to understand punishment that comes after the act is done. Even if it's only a few minutes later, their brains can't put the two pieces together.
If you come home to find poo already on the floor, you must not scold your puppy, because they will think they are being scolded for whatever it is they are doing at that very moment. If they're playing with toys, they'll think they're being scolded for playing with toys - NOT for the poo on the floor.
Puppy Housebreaking Rule #3: When you do catch them in the act (I say when, not if, because no matter what your puppy will most likely have at least one accident during the process), you should not punish them.
Why not? Because this will make your puppy afraid of going potty in front of you, which will cause problems when you try to get them to go potty outside. They'll be too afraid to go potty with you around.
Instead, pick up your puppy while sternly saying "no", and take them outside (or to wherever it is you want them to go potty).
The best method is prevention. Watch your puppy closely for signals of needing to go to the bathroom, such as sniffing the floor or turning in circles.
Keep in mind that puppies will need to go to the bathroom about 30-40 minutes after eating or drinking anything.
Follow the simple housebreaking rules in this article and your puppy will be housebroken in no time.
If you take just one single golden nugget from this article, let it be this: you can't correct your puppy unless you catch them in the act. If you can't see them, you can't catch them in the act. Supervise, supervise, supervise.
Thanks for reading my article, I hope it helped you out. Find out more tips and tricks to fix dog problems at
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How to Housebreak a Puppy - Part One.
When it comes to housebreaking a puppy, you need to make sure to start potty training them right from the start. It's easy to get caught up in their cuteness and the excitement of having a new pet, but you want to be sure to establish good habits with them right from the beginning or it could cause problems later on.
There are several methods for housebreaking a puppy. One is paper training, which I do not recommend, because you are basically teaching your puppy to pee inside your house on a puppy pad or on newspapers, and then later on, teaching them to potty outside. It's much better to just teach them to go outside from the very beginning.
One other method is crate training. Crate training is very popular and very effective. Basically you get a crate from the pet store that is about the size of your dog's bed. Dogs will typically not go potty in this area when they are in it because it is such a small space, they would be forced to lay on it or very close to it.
You put your puppy in the crate anytime you cannot be supervising them to make sure they don't go potty inside. This could be when you leave the house, when you're cooking, when you're working, etc. This teaches your puppy that when they need to go potty, they are able to hold it. They don't have to immediately relieve themselves.
It's important to get the right size of crate. If it's too large, they may potty in it because of the extra space. If it's too small, they will not be able to lay down and it will be very uncomfortable for them. They need to be able to lay down comfortably.
It's very useful to teach your dog a potty word. For example 'go pee pee'. You can choose something less cheesy if you wish.:) Any word will do, as long as you are consistent with using it.
When your puppy is outside going potty, you will say the 'potty word', then praise them and give them a treat. This will teach your pup to go potty when you take them outside for that purpose.
When you take them out to play games or go for a walk, you wouldn't use the word. This way they know the difference between going outside to play, and going outside to go potty.
Visit my website for more tips and tricks! I cover everything from paper training your dog to solving dog chewing problems at
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There are several methods for housebreaking a puppy. One is paper training, which I do not recommend, because you are basically teaching your puppy to pee inside your house on a puppy pad or on newspapers, and then later on, teaching them to potty outside. It's much better to just teach them to go outside from the very beginning.
One other method is crate training. Crate training is very popular and very effective. Basically you get a crate from the pet store that is about the size of your dog's bed. Dogs will typically not go potty in this area when they are in it because it is such a small space, they would be forced to lay on it or very close to it.
You put your puppy in the crate anytime you cannot be supervising them to make sure they don't go potty inside. This could be when you leave the house, when you're cooking, when you're working, etc. This teaches your puppy that when they need to go potty, they are able to hold it. They don't have to immediately relieve themselves.
It's important to get the right size of crate. If it's too large, they may potty in it because of the extra space. If it's too small, they will not be able to lay down and it will be very uncomfortable for them. They need to be able to lay down comfortably.
It's very useful to teach your dog a potty word. For example 'go pee pee'. You can choose something less cheesy if you wish.:) Any word will do, as long as you are consistent with using it.
When your puppy is outside going potty, you will say the 'potty word', then praise them and give them a treat. This will teach your pup to go potty when you take them outside for that purpose.
When you take them out to play games or go for a walk, you wouldn't use the word. This way they know the difference between going outside to play, and going outside to go potty.
Visit my website for more tips and tricks! I cover everything from paper training your dog to solving dog chewing problems at
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How to Make Sure Your Puppy Grows Up to Be a Well-Behaved Dog.

When it comes to getting and raising a puppy, there are a few crucial things you need to do so your puppy grows up to be a well-behaved dog. Too many people let their puppy get away with things because it's 'cute' when they're little. But they don't think about the fact that they're forming habits that will stay with them even as grown dogs, and when they're grown, it's not cute anymore.
First of all, you should never take a puppy away from its mother and litter mates before it is 8 weeks old. Taking the puppy before 8 weeks can lead to behavioral problems down the road, because they missed that crucial developmental period with their litter mates.
Second, you need to start potty training immediately. Don't let any bad potty habits form during those first few days you have them home, because those can be hard to reverse. I suggest teaching your puppy to go potty outside right from the beginning, rather than paper training them.
Third, don't allow play biting. This is a very common mistake, and one that owners will regret later. You should never let your puppy bite your hands or feet, even playfully. Not even underneath a blanket or other surface. You need to always use toys when playing.
Fourth, teach your puppy right from the beginning that you are the alpha dog. Also known as the 'pack leader'. Even though dogs are domesticated, they still have natural instincts. They still expect to be part of a pack, and every pack needs a pack leader.
If you don't show them you are the pack leader from the beginning, it can cause serious problems down the road when they begin to believe 'they' are the pack leader. If you're unfamiliar with what any of this means, do an online search on the topic and read up on it. It's very important to know and practice.
Last but definitely not least, you must gradually and carefully socialize your puppy for at least the first year of their life. You need to expose them to new and unfamiliar people, places, things, sounds, etc. Make sure the socialization experiences are pleasant. Carry along treats and make sure to provide plenty of praise and encouragement along the way.
I hope this article has given you some valuable insight on how to raise your puppy. Follow the advice provided and I know you'll do a great job of raising a happy, well-behaved dog that will be a loyal companion for years.
Visit my website for more tips and tricks! I cover everything from paper training your dog to solving dog chewing problems at
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First of all, you should never take a puppy away from its mother and litter mates before it is 8 weeks old. Taking the puppy before 8 weeks can lead to behavioral problems down the road, because they missed that crucial developmental period with their litter mates.
Second, you need to start potty training immediately. Don't let any bad potty habits form during those first few days you have them home, because those can be hard to reverse. I suggest teaching your puppy to go potty outside right from the beginning, rather than paper training them.
Third, don't allow play biting. This is a very common mistake, and one that owners will regret later. You should never let your puppy bite your hands or feet, even playfully. Not even underneath a blanket or other surface. You need to always use toys when playing.
Fourth, teach your puppy right from the beginning that you are the alpha dog. Also known as the 'pack leader'. Even though dogs are domesticated, they still have natural instincts. They still expect to be part of a pack, and every pack needs a pack leader.
If you don't show them you are the pack leader from the beginning, it can cause serious problems down the road when they begin to believe 'they' are the pack leader. If you're unfamiliar with what any of this means, do an online search on the topic and read up on it. It's very important to know and practice.
Last but definitely not least, you must gradually and carefully socialize your puppy for at least the first year of their life. You need to expose them to new and unfamiliar people, places, things, sounds, etc. Make sure the socialization experiences are pleasant. Carry along treats and make sure to provide plenty of praise and encouragement along the way.
I hope this article has given you some valuable insight on how to raise your puppy. Follow the advice provided and I know you'll do a great job of raising a happy, well-behaved dog that will be a loyal companion for years.
Visit my website for more tips and tricks! I cover everything from paper training your dog to solving dog chewing problems at
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Monday, 1 February 2010
Welcome To Our Wonderful World Of Dogs !

Dogs are domestic creatures that have shared a history with humans for thousands of years. They have created a role of their own in the development of different human societies. In most cultures, dogs are regarded as hard working creatures that need to be cared for and protected. As far back as the time of the Pharaohs, dogs have been present in human history records as they help shepherds care for their sheep.
Most pet owners will discover that caring for dogs can be somewhat challenging at some point during their existence. While it is true that most people, especially the young ones, would love to have a dog, there are few who can appreciate the importance of grooming and training them properly. Many pet owners dismiss training their dog, and allow them to develop undesirable habits, for which only the owner is to blame.
When the time comes to decide what you will feed your dog, avoid going for the food with the lowest price tag. Nowadays, it seems that anything dry garbage your dog is able to digest can be considered dog food and sold in store shelves for a price. The fact that your dog is able to swallow it does not mean it is actually good and nutritious for him. Spending a few dollars in quality dog food will ensure that your dog is happy, with enough energy to play dog games with the family, and produce less medical bills in the long run.
Most dogs are innocent creatures, looking up to their owner as the pack leader for guidance. Avoid leaving your dog alone for extended periods of time; they are liable to get in trouble, especially young puppies. Pet owners, who necessarily need to leave their pet at home, need to spend some time crate training their pet. Crate or kennel training will allow your dog to spend time alone in a confined space designated by you until you arrive. Crate training should never be confused with punishment, or the entire process will not work.
I cannot stress enough the importance of praise when building a relationship with your dog. The age old reward system for the deeds well done is part of every training lesson you could possibly teach your dog. Rewarding your dog with praise when he has done well is a form of letting him know you appreciate his behavior and his recent actions. As a result, he will be looking forward to doing it again in order to get your attention once more.
It is a well known fact that praise is much more effective than punishment, or negative feedback of any kind. When you approach a dog to kick him, or abuse him in any way for something he has done wrong, he is likely to interpret your actions as straightforward abuse or hatred. As a matter of fact, if the pet owner continues this pattern he is likely to be attacked by his own dog. The aim is to get your dog to obey and behave himself around the house, not to be scared of you.
Whenever you feel it is necessary to reprimand your dog for being bad, a simple no, in a stern and firm voice will suffice.
Enter the exciting world of dog games online. Play dog games and other puppy games online at
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