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Every Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step....

Monday, 8 February 2010

Leash Training a Puppy in 5 Incredibly Effective Steps - Stop Your Dog From Pulling on the Leash.

Leash training a puppy is one of the first things you will need to do after purchasing a new dog. It is important to understand that it is much easier to leash train a puppy than an older dog since the latter one has already some bad habits rooted deeply in his brain. Also, make sure to use a standard leather collar instead of the choke one as it may hurt your pet (especially his windpipe) and will slow down the training process. Below are 5 essential elements of leash training a puppy that, if implemented properly, should show you first results within a few weeks time.

Leash Training A Puppy Step 1 - Putting The Leash On

First step is to make your puppy familiar with the leash. You can do this by putting it onto his neck when he's distracted by eating or playing with you. If he tries to dislodge it or scratch it off don't help him and wait till he stops and forgets about having something around his neck. You can take the leash off as soon as your pet stops to fight with it and gets back to his previous activities.

Leash Training A Puppy Step 2 - Calm Your Dog

Next step in leash training a puppy involves going out with your pet for the first time. If he's getting a bit too excited and jumps around making a lot of noise wait for him to calm down (even if it takes 2 hours) and then put the leash on his neck. If your dog pulls you towards the door stop and say firmly 'Ah-Ah'. Wait till he calms down and reward him with a treat. Your pet needs to understand that there will be no walk if he won't stop wriggling and rumbling.

Leash Training A Puppy Step 3 - Don't Let Your Pet Pull On The Leash

Take your dog to a quiet and peaceful place without distractions as you want him to fully focus on the training. Start walking and see where it takes you and your pet. If he starts to pull on the leash stop, say firmly 'Ah-Ah' and wait for him to either sit down or slack the leash. As soon as he does this reward him with a tasty treat and plenty of cheering and continue walking. Make sure to repeat the above procedure every time he starts pulling on the leash. If he does well and keeps close to your legs praise him once in a while and give a snack. This step is the most crucial one in leash training a puppy so make sure to be consistent while implementing it.

Leash Training A Puppy Step 4 - Change The Direction You Walk In Rapidly

Next step in leash training a puppy is to check whether your pet actually pays attention to your teachings. This can be done by rapidly changing the direction you walk in so that the leash get tense for a fraction of second. If your dog instantly adjusts his route you've got a proof that the training worked. If, on the other hand, he don't want to change the direction or pulls you towards something else you need to get back to the previous step and teach him the basics again.

Leash Training A Puppy Step 5 - Leash Training Is All About Patience

While leash training a puppy you will notice that the first few walks may take a lot of time and you will not get further than the driveway. This is because you need to be consistent with the training method outlined above and this will take some time and patience. Do not give up and keep using the tips mentioned and eventually your dog will understand that he can either pull on the leash and get nowhere or cooperate with you and actually see a bit of the world around.

But that isn't the end of it. More ways to leash train your puppy could be what you need. To find out what else can be done to stop your dog from pulling on the leash Click Here Now!

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